Tile layout patterns are important because they provide visual appeal. In the old days people usually stuck to the checkered pattern because of its classic look and is easy to do. Nowadays there are many options and choosing the right one can be intimidating. Tiles are anything but boring and there are many types, shapes, color and patterns to choose from. How do you pick out the best layout for your space? Here are some tips that can help you decide the best tiling pattern option for your floors.
Laying tiles can take a lot of time and this does not include the time it takes to cure the tile and make it safe to walk on. For DIY-ers who are laying their first tiling pattern for the first time, it's best to stick to something easy like the checked or brick pattern for the floor. These patterns are easy to do and requires minimal cutting. For floors it's best to use big sized tile so that the work can be completed quickly. Big tiles also require less grout so the floor can be ready in a shorter period of time.
The amount of space also needs special consideration. Big spaces for example take a longer time to tile and if you choose mosaic tiles as your floor tile then this could take a really long time. Even though mosaic tiles come in glued pieces with mesh backing to make installation easier, they require special adhesive and expert laying technique to make the adhesive look invisible. This takes a long time and doing it large scale can take lots of energy. Big spaces require big tiles. If you really like mosaic tiles on your floor, consider making them as accent tiles instead of main tiles.
Tiling pattern like the herringbone pattern requires lots of cutting and precision laying skills. If you plan on doing this pattern by yourself, make sure you have a lot of time. But if you're in a rush consider help or the services of a professional which can cost money. Herringbone pattern gives your floor a sophistication and style but it is not for people who are in a rush or are beginner DIY-ers.
Speaking of professional help, tiles like granite, hardwood, marble and the like are expensive, and so is the professional labor required to install these kinds of tiles. High quality marble for example can run up to $15 to $20 per square foot not including labor which can cost anywhere from $6 to $10 per square feet. Therefore your dream marble floor could end up costing $30 per square feet. Don't fall in love with a tile or tiling pattern without considering the cost of the tile and if hiring professionals, the cost of their labor.
Right Material
Picking the right material can make your tiling pattern choice much easier. There are certain tiles and patterns that fit each other like a glove. Subway tiles for example look best when they are in a brick or staggered pattern. Rectangular shaped tiles are more versatile and can be arranged in a stacked, herringbone or diagonal pattern. Square shaped tiles also look good on the diagonal, checked or straight pattern. So before you start a project think about what type of tile you want to use.
Larger tiles can make a room look bigger so consider using these for your bathroom tiling pattern. Tile layout patterns can enhance the look of your space and help bring out the character of the room. By considering the tips above, choosing a tile will be easier and less intimidating.